Saturday, March 2, 2019

Gap after the Graduation

It is breezy since morning. The aroma is similar to that of the first rain, which spreads the fragrance of the sand. We all love that beautiful fragrance which persuades our mind and gives nostalgic feeling to most of us. That aroma will take you back to some special moments that you would’ve enjoyed in the past.

As such, it took me back to the vacations of 10th and 12th standard, where I was clueless about choosing streams for further studies and enjoying the holidays. Sleeping for 10-12 hours every day, playing cricket with friends in the afternoon warmth of the sun. Remembering all the moments I lived then without realizing that I will write about those random vacations. Now when I think about those vacations, they were really remarkable.
Not only vacations, also my school days were one of the best parts of my life.
After enjoying those schooldays hearing that there would be no worries once we complete our 10th and 12th standard public exams, going for the tuitions early mornings, sleeping there in the tuition centers, being a subject for my friends to make fun of and also to make fun of them, copying in the tuition unit tests, planning to bunk the tuitions in case if there were tests conducted and also saying “Hello” to the newly appointed Mayor of our city then.
It was also the time to be in the illusion of believing that our friends were not prepared for the tests or exams and finally getting disappointed when you get low marks and your friends were in the top scorers list. 
“Those were the days of its own memories, stories, disappointments, fun, immature planning for the future, etc.”
The point of recalling all these silly moments then, but a memory now is because it seems I’m reliving those moments again in this Gap after the Graduation. 
After completing my graduation, I’m in a year gap now. It’s because of the dilemma of choosing the streams after the graduation. It’s also because of the “Listening-to-every-damn-advice Syndrome”.
But now I think, ‘standing for a while during the rat race’, is a need of the hour. Such hectic lifestyle, which makes us to forget the space that we should give to one self, to our family and friends as well, needs a break. We need a break in between to make memories, when we are full of energy.  
“Roaming with friends, discussing serious future goals, spending value time with family, going to places easily, making new friends in each and every journey, earning some pocket money to spend, introducing ourselves to new opportunities and learning many things throughout this gap” has now became one routine, as it’s been complete months since I got graduated. 
This career gap is never a back log if you use it wisely. We can explore ourselves when we are put through such circumstances, where you seem to be wasting time, but the reality around you is more sensible that it’ll never let you sleep peacefully. That’s the driving force that tells you to grab all the opportunities that are thrown in front of you and tells you to use the hell out of your brain.
A year gap seems to be attractive for your friends and family. Everybody would say that “You’re living a happy life”. But behind the ‘Happy life’ mask that you show to other people, is you craving for a better career.
In this career gap, I literally don’t feel that I’m wasting this year, instead I do feel that ‘this gap will help me to reach more heights, peacefully than continuously studying, giving me a satisfaction that I spent golden times with family, friends, going to temple, publishing blogs, helping others as much as possible, ignoring all the negative vibes, overcoming many conflicts that arises among you and your parents who were sometimes happy that you’re together with them, but also feels that you’re wasting time when you were not listening to their words’. 

Also too much of being careless will kick you out of the race permanently. Be in the track, stay conscious, once the strategic time-out ‘Ends’, you should be ready to begin with the same level of thrust. 
Because “Time and Tide waits for none”. This energy that you’re living in the moment won’t come, when you’re old in age as well as health, you can’t do things as you do now and memories that you’re making now, will hold special place in your life diary.
I’m not recommending anybody to take a mandatory gap after your graduation. Everybody has their own priorities. Not everybody sails the same ship. Even I feel low sometimes for taking a gap. But I’m totally happy with what I’ve done till now and also happy for whatever is going to happen hereafter.
Live the moment!!! Live your life to the Fullest !!!
Yours East Gaterr