Saturday, November 30, 2019

Words from Hearts

Yesterday I watched a movie called ‘The Bucket List’ (2007), as a wish from his bucket list, Morgan Freeman wanted “To help a complete stranger for the good”. That’s what made me to write this post. This post maybe just a take away from the fantastic movie.

From my sister - Adhisayam Aanal Unmai😜

Earning good and kind hearted people throughout our life in one hand and the reputation we earn through our deeds on the other hand are the two things that are important in our life and even after our death. That’s what keeps our name, fame, memories and other things alive even after we leave this world.
When I became a stress buster !!!

I feel good when people around me are good and they kind of express their love and affection for me through any means. Mothers are always the first one to express their love. They never miss a single chance to do so. 
One good friendship day wish !!!

In this post I thought to share some kind words that I’ve received from different persons which made me to feel the warmth. These messages comprises of feelings that they’ve felt about me in several situations and took time to address it and also expressed those to me. 
Another friend who felt the same !!!

These words as a whole keeps me going and is a source of motivation. For an individual, who have to face thousands of random people in the ground of life, these kind of well-wishers and loyal people are the most important part of our life. In deed these kind of good hearts is that all we need.
When Dostuu Bada Dostuu expresses !!!

I wish that I could be as expressive as this much to let know the people that I value them the most. All we earn in monetary terms won’t stay long, but our names among the kind people that keeps us alive. Never miss any chance to express your love for good people around you. Take a moment to express your gratitude to all the good souls that helps you to put a smile on our face and which helps us keep going in life.
When the Dostuuu admires my posts and its captions !!!

Thanks to those who value my inputs and share their happiness and sorrows with me !!!

Yours East Gaterr